Our foster dog Gillian is waiting for his thanksgiving meal. He is thankful that the staff and volunteers at the Montgomery County Animal Shelter in Conroe, TX who worked so hard to find him a foster home. We had a lovely Thanksgiving dinner, and since I don’t eat meat the dogs got a lot of turkey leftovers from the family! He is a very thankful dog, well mannered and walks 1 mile every morning (on 3 legs). Please adopt Gillian, he deserves a second chance.
I have a three-legged dog too, and she’s the happiest, most positive dog there ever was. I hope Gillian finds a wonderful, loving, forever home.
Which leg is missing? It looks like he has four legs in the picture. What a cutie though. 🙂
has he been adopted??
susan santos
that dog certainly looks like a Gillian, i hope she finds her forever home soon god bless her
I wish he were closer than Texas! What a cutie.
Russell Rescue can sometimes arrange transport
Tracy Vanderfore
He had 4 legs!!!! He hopped on 3 legs for a month in the animal shelter before I volunteered to foster him. Then they xrayed his leg to see a bullet, and suggested to amputate it. Oh, no no, I replied I found an orthopedic specialist to remove the bullet and we are rehabing his leg. He is using it more and more each day. What a great dog he is!!!!
Cathy Coates
adopted pets are the best!!!!!
what an adorable face, cute cute cute