
Wednesday is a chihuahua/italian greyhound mix for adoption at Urban Pet Project in Atlanta, GA. She is about 2 years old, and weighs 15 pounds. She’s wary of strangers, but loyal to no end to those she knows. Loves other dogs, and good with hardy cats (she likes to play). She is house trained, and crate trained (goes in when you point!). Here is Wednesday’s profile if you’d like to learn more about her.
Austin is a 18 month old black lab available for adoption through Companion Animal Alliance in Baton Rouge, LA. He was found as a stray caught in a trap and the shelter was no place for this guy. After a month he was posted online and came to me very scared.
He has opened up, faced his fears head on and is now ready for adoption… only problem is, he disagrees! When people come to meet him he makes me look like a liar and refuses to do anything. Nothing. Zero. However, once they leave he tears through the house filled with excitement! Within minutes he magically gets his personality back, knows his name and remembers how he likes to fetch!
Needless to say my wonderful, 60lb cuddle bug and professional adoption saboteur is still in foster care and looking for his fur-ever home 🙂
Here is his profile for more information about Austin.
This is Alvin one of our foster Great Prys who came from the KY. He now lives in Hudson, MA and is being fostered through the National Great Pyrenees Rescue He is not getting the whole pooping on the snow thing. He loves to play in the snow and spends lots of time in it but comes running back in to go poop on my rug upstairs in my bedroom…bad Alvin, but he’s a great dog. He’s up for adoption through National Great Pry Rescue, but is still healing from a bad broken leg. So we will have him for a while.
Winnie loves toys more than anyone! He steals his foster sisters toys and wont let go! He’s a sweet two year old shih tzu living in Alton, IL. Winnie is being fostered through Hope Animal Rescues. He is neutered and ready for his forever home. Here‘s his profile.
I pee on my stepsister’s head and then I like to sniff her afterwards. Duke is available through Pug Pals Rescue near Boise, ID. He is a 25 lbs. fawn 7 year old male Pug, in good health and is neutered. Duke loves to chase cats and is protective of other dogs. Duke likes to sit on your chest, stare into your eyes and makes cute noises. He is a very obedient Pug.
It’s T-BONE again! I’m from Friendswood, TX and I’m being fostered through Tails in Transition Animal Rescue.
You know, the “Pit Bull” that is scared of Chihuahuas. Anyway, my family is fostering a whole litter of kittens & I’m kinda scared of them too.
Could you please adopt one (Or two or ALL) so I can eat my dinner in peace!
T-Bone’s Facebook page.
KC, is wonderful rescue foster Pug-Chihuahua living in Alexandria, NY. He is being fostered though Mid Atlantic Pug Rescue. While at the clinic, KC communicated to the Vet Tech that she did not want a pawdicure by pooping on her. Then, once her grievance was aired (so to speak) KC calmed down and gave in. KC is probably the cuddliest pug I’ve ever fostered. From the very start, all she wanted to do was cuddle next to me on the couch. She is very attentive to new commands and really wants to please.
Here is KC’s profile.
Our foster dog Snoopy has a thing for feet! He lives in New Lennox, IL and is being fostered through the Midwest Boston Terrier Rescue. He loves to cuddle with your feet and will try to lick anyone’s toes if they aren’t wearing socks. Snoopy is 6 yrs old and was in pretty bad shape when we was rescued. He is blind due to trauma and has also suffered a broken leg and is missing teeth. He was left out in a back yard for months in inclement weather and without medical attention. He has since recovered and looking for a home. He is a very loving dog and despite his ruff life, he is completely trusting of humans, loving and just wants to be near people. If you are interested in Snoopy please check him out here.