Shebea cut her leg and spent the night at the vet. $500 later, she came home with a cone on her head. , Since Remmy couldn’t stop chewing on Shebea’s cone, Shebea spent the day in Remmy’s crate. Remmy got up on the table & ate Shebea’s pain pills. Three days at the vet later, she’s up to over $700 in vet bills.
Cones of shame poor babies
They’ll pay you back in steady quotes of love and loyalty, I am sure! 🙂 They are lucky to have such a caring mom.
Angelina Rozalez
Lol he just couldn’t let his friend have all the attention!
Brooke Barnhart
two peas in a pod
Mo Graff
are these Labs or liver colored GSPs…we had a GSP that chewe
d everything in sight ( even stuff not in sight)
HAHAH!!! Love it!
Kimm Ranger
GSPs are active dogs. I just got one. Yours are so sweet and trouble makers too. Got to love them. Mime is only 11 weeks old, so I have years of dog shaming to come.
Woof – my Mom and Dad just spent $3800 on me, getting my urethra and bladder cleaned out, I had stones – lots of ’em. I had to wear a cone too guys….they do come off, eventually. Hope you feel better soon. Woof!!!!
Ruby’ s MRSA = $500.00
Ellie’s surgery =$1500.00
Ellie, Sipsy, Ruby shots and boosters = $ 535.00
We understand. Everyone get better.
Oh jees this picture makes me laugh. Our dog did the same thing with a bottle of tylonel … feels good to know we are not alone! Silly fur babies, gotta love em!
What cuties 🙂
I just had my apricot toy poodle’s teeth cleaned. She needed several removed, so I needed to get painkillers and antiobiotics for her. Oh, and let’s not forget the blood panel before the teeth cleaning. In addition, she also needed a bortadella shot and a heartworm test – $682…!
Lab Results are in: Bad Puppies! LOL!! Glad they are both ok!
I’ve lost count of the amount of money my two fur babies have cost me… I worked out at one point we could’ve gone to Disney World Florida….. And I live in the UK! Thousands of pounds :-O
My baby spent a long weekend at the emergency vet. My husband carelessly left a big bowl of grapes out! Our bill was close to $800, but we never questioned the necessity of it. These are our babies for life.
Yup. That’s what happen to me once. Jake the doggie had surgery and had a bottle of Rimadyl, and Buddy the other doggie ate all of them. Spend the night eating charcoal at the vet and pooped little briquettes for the next couple of days.
I’m not going to complain about my trash eating dog again! No extra vet bills here!
The vet gave them supersonic hearing !
Jordan rice
How did Sheba broke her leg plus if they do something naughty lock them in the bathroom don’t put a cone of shame on them