Petey, our half pitt/ half great dane mix decided to eat a $745.00 check. Then, as if paper has some crazy smell to it, laid an atomic fart. While trying to take the phone he continued to try to eat it. His sign reads “I ate a $745.00 check. (And my farts are atomic)”
Lauren Jacenty
I feel ya! My Boston/JRT mix at two $13,000 inheritance checks. I lucked out and was still able to cash them.
My JRT’s favorite things to eat are debit cards and checks. Several of the checks my husband and I received as wedding gifts were massacred by our JRT.
I want that DOG!!!
Petey, can’t blame you for having expensive taste 🙂
And he looks very pleased with his achievement 🙂
He’d probably have atomic farts without eating the check–i know my bullies do!